"Within the framework of the SIA 'KRAUJAS Z' operational program 'Growth and Employment,' specific support objective 3.1.1 'Promote the creation and development of SMEs, particularly in manufacturing and RIS3 priority sectors,' measure 'Support for investments in the creation or reconstruction of production facilities and infrastructure,' from January 2017 to July 2018, the company implemented a project with identification number titled 'Construction of a new production building and infrastructure for starting wood processing in Lizuma Parish, Gulbenes County.' This involved building a new, technologically advanced wood processing facility.
The total project cost reached 633,613 EUR, of which up to 285,126 EUR was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The newly built facility is planned to house a packaging board (blank) production plant, processing both roundwood and packaging logs available from the company’s storage sites and logging areas, as well as roundwood and packaging logs purchased from private forest owners and other logging operators.
The implementation of this project allows the company to more efficiently utilize its forest resources, processing timber obtained from logging into further products and creating additional added value."